Friday 9 March 2012

How To Generate 4 Times More Business Leads Though Your Blog

A study carried out by the software company HubSpot, found that companies who post fresh relevant content to their business blog on a regular basis, receive many more leads than those who post sporadically.

No big surprise there.

As an added incentive, those businesses that post to their blog daily, on average, generate 5 times more traffic than those who post weekly or less. And for the vast majority of businesses, more traffic generally results in more leads – 4 times as many leads no less, for those companies who post daily, according to HubSpot’s research.

Now isn’t that worth considering?

‘Daily!’ you’re protesting. ‘How can I possibly be expected to produce ‘hot content’ for my blog every single day, when there are barely enough hours in the working day as it is?’

There are several ways round this. You could:

Book out blocks of time in your diary where you sit down and produce a week’s blog posts in one hit.

Hire a freelance writer or marketing specialist to produce your blog posts for you (or at least some of them.)

Invite guest writers to share their views and knowledge with your audience.

Ask work colleagues or business associates to chip in with their ideas and contributions.

So what should your blog posts be about?

It’s important that the prime focus of your blog posts is your target audience, rather than your company. That’s more ‘you’ and less ‘we’ or ‘us.’ So think about:

The main problems your customers (and potential customers) want solved.

Your customers’ aspirations and goals.

What you can offer that your competitors cannot (this could relate to your USP, though not necessarily).

Remember though, that blogging every day is not the ‘be all and end all’ if it’s likely to prove too much of a struggle for you. Actually, that can be detrimental. It’s more important to have a workable schedule you can stick to month upon month, rather than to put yourself in a position where you end up demoralised and uninspired and the rest of your work suffers as a result.

If you’re a one or two-person business, then blogging every day may not be practicable, so make it your aim to blog at least once a week. You can always increase the frequency later on as time/ funds permit.

You might think it’s a better option to have one person write all your blog posts for consistency of style. To a degree this can be a good thing. But having the input of others can also be useful too, because they might come up with topics or angles you’d never have thought of by yourself, and this can be very beneficial indeed for your business.

The vital thing about having a business blog, is that you offer up content-rich material to your hungry audience on a regular basis.

If you can achieve this, you should see a gradual improvement across your site and page rankings and you could find yourself doubling, tripling, or quadrupling your leads in no time.

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