Showing posts with label copywriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copywriting. Show all posts

Saturday 3 June 2017

Creation Vs Collation: The Value of Unique Copy

When it comes to website development, pretty much anyone can source fresh content from elsewhere and publish it on their own website. Which is, more often than not, exactly what the majority of website owners do. From news pieces to relevant articles to videos and images, you have to ask: how much of all this content did you create from scratch, on your own?

If the answer gravitates towards very little or none, don’t be too upset – you’re quite far from in the minority. Nevertheless, you can definitely do with changing this somewhat, given the way original copy is significantly more valuable than redistributing existing copy.

Naturally, the former of the two is quite trickier to come up with – especially if you’re not brimming with ideas or inspiration. However, making the effort and investing plenty of time and effort into some original copy can help deliver much more impressive results when it comes customer loyalty and engaging than simply sticking with content collation.

So, bearing this in mind, here is a short overview of a few simple guidelines for creating outstanding and entirely original content, in order to offer your website visitors something that will boost their engagement:

First up, updating your website blog regularly is one of the most efficient ways of keeping your website topped up with fresh content at all times. When it comes to actually creating blog posts, rather than just republishing article pieces and news stories, add your own voice into the mix. Or, put simply, bring relevant stories and articles to the attention of your web visitors, but do so in an editorial manner.

Another great way of providing more unique copy to your site is to invite other people to offer their stories and insights. When it comes to informative resources, blog posts and interesting news stories, adding some new voices into the mix can be extremely valuable.

Telling an interesting story is found to be one of the most effective ways of promoting a real sense of engagement with a target audience. Rather than just bombarding your readers with facts and figures, more often than not it could be more beneficial to tell them a story. Given the fact that you’re (or at least should be) 100% original and unique, this should also results in completely original and unique content.

Another great way of creating unique copy is to get into the habit of writing and publishing reviews. But instead of just rewriting the reviews of other people, carry out your personal research and share your findings, thus inviting feedback from your readers. Even if they don’t agree with your views, it’s guaranteed to bolster discussion and engagement.

Last up, if you can get into the habit of frequently posting Q&A sessions with people of relevance to your line of work, go for it! It’s usually as simple as asking a bunch of questions to a person of interest with respect to what you do, in order to be provided with the kind of solid gold copy that can work wonders for your site.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tell More . . . Sell More . . . 10 Timeless Copywriting Tips!

1. Plan Your Writing
All successful writers think before they write. What are you selling? What are its benefits? Why should people buy from you? What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

2. Create a Benefit-Laden Headline
Five times as many people read the headline, over the body copy, so if your benefit isn’t in the headline, then 90% of your audience won’t see it. It really is worth spending time crafting a great headline. One copywriter I know of, won’t start focussing on the ‘body copy’ until he has come up with at least 100 potential headlines!

3. Why AIDA Has Become AIDCA
You’ve probably heard of the Copywriter’s Friend, AIDA, which stands for: Attention; Interest; Desire; Action. In these challenging times, maybe we ought to add Credibility as well. So AIDA has become AIDCA. Following on from your headline, your first paragraph needs to address these points in order.

4. Write Simply and Effectively.
This is not the place to show off with fancy or complicated words. Use simple language. Imagine you are telling a friend about your product, service, or business. Write for an audience of one and your copy will speak to everyone in that target group. And use emotional words rather than intellectual words for added impact.

5. People Buy Benefits.
Your audience is ONLY interested in what you can do for them. The fact that your company has been in business 20 years might add something to your standing, but when it comes down to selling, focus on benefits rather than features. A cosmetic dentist, for example, will focus on the benefits an attractive smile brings, rather than the procedures for fixing crooked teeth!

6. Recognise and Address the Five Basic Objections Your Readers Will Have.
1. I don’t believe you.
2. I don’t need it.
3. I don’t have enough time.
4. I don’t have enough money.
5. It won’t work for me.

Your copy should acknowledge and overcome these main objections.

7. Good layout and type will enhance your copy
Graphics, fonts and the right layout will make your offer more appealing, but don’t use pretty pictures just for the sake of it. Sub-headings and bullet points are also effective for breaking up copy and making it more readable.

8. Offer a Satisfaction Guarantee
Some businesses are afraid of offering ‘no quibble’ guarantees in case customers take advantage. In fact, the opposite is true. Less than 2% of customers will ever ask for their money back and offering a ‘no questions asked’ money-back guarantee will give your customers added confidence about doing business with you.

9. Testimonials are like Gold Dust
Whenever you buy something on a website like Amazon, don’t you find it helpful that the products and the sellers are customer-rated? This means it’s less likely that you will end up with a product that will disappoint and it also means you can buy from reliable vendors, according to the feedback provided.
Wherever possible, ask your customers for testimonials and feature the best on your website and sprinkled in your sales copy.

10. Tell your readers what you want them to do next.
There’s no point in spending hours crafting great copy if you don’t tell potential customers what to do next! Try to offer as many alternative ways to order from you as is practicable: post, phone, website, fax. Wherever possible include a personalised order form as it’s been proven to increase consumer response rates significantly.

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